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Used 2024 TCM FRSB25 Pallet Stacker for sale in Gauteng | R 20,000

R 20,000 + VAT

Used 2024 TCM FRSB25 Pallet Stacker for sale in Gauteng | R 20,000 for sale by Sino Plant

Last Updated: 13h 23m ago
Sino Plant
Sino Plant

Year 2024

Condition Used

Other Pallet jack TCM FRSB25 Pallet Stacker 2024

Sold as is Specs: • Nominal load at COG :2.5 t • Traction motor :6.1 kW • Lifting height :5 m • Weight :2.925 t ALL PRICES EXCL. VAT

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Section-Trucks Other Other Pallet jack TCM FRSB25 Pallet Stacker 2024
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